91. | ATA | From Turkish ata - ''father''and the corresponding surname is Atayan. |
92. | ATABEG (Atabek) | From Turkish atabeg consisting of ata - ''father'' and beg - ''prince''. Atabeg is also a military title which means ''commander-in-chief''. Nowadays this name can still be met as well as the… 0.2 KB |
93. | ATANAS | From Athanasios (Greek), Athanasius(Latin), Afanasiy(Russian)which means ''immortal''.It consists of ''a'' - negative prefix and thanatos - ''death''.The corresponding surname is Atanasyan.The… 0.2 KB |
94. | ATOM (Atovm) | Is in use since ancient ages. We have Atomyan and Atovmyan surnames. |
95. | ATRNERSEH | From Parthian word atur (atr), which means ''fire'', ''flame'' and the name Nerseh. It is in use since Heathen Ages, now almost forgotten. |
96. | AVAG | From Armenian word avag ''senior'', ''older''. It is now in use as well as the surname Avagyan. |
97. | AVET | From Armenian word avetik which means ''pleasant news'', ''greeting''. It is seldom used now. |
98. | AVETIK | From Armenian avetik (See above), it is rather spread. The short forms are: Avo, Avik. |
99. | AVETIS | From Armenian avetik (See above). The short forms are: Avo Avis,. The surnames are Avetisyan, Avoyan. |
100. | AVTANDIL | Is in use since XVII century. It comes from Persian avthab ''sun''. We also have the surname Avtandilyan |