21. | MARTIN | Came by means of literature. It is a very spread name now. |
22. | MARTIROS | Is a Greek name, which means "martyr". The short forms are Mardo, Marto, Mado. From all of them we can form surnames. |
23. | MARUKEH | Is an Assyrian name, which probably comes from Assyrian marike "clear", "clean". We also have Maruk for short from which the surname Marukyan is formed. |
24. | MARZPETUNI | The name of the hero of "Gevorg Marzpetuni" by Muratsan. The short form is Marzpet. |
25. | MASIS | Is one of the names of historical Armenian Big Mount, consisting of ma "big" and sis "mount". We also have the surname Masisyan. |
26. | MATATIA | Is a Jewish name, which means "master's gift". In Armenia it is in use since XI century which was mainly given to clergymen. It is out of use now. Note that the name Madat comes from Arabian and… 0.2 KB |
27. | MATEVOS(Mateos) | From Greek matthaios (Latin matthaeus) "toast-song" which came by means of Bible. The short form is Matos, the corresponding surnames are Matevosyan, Matosyan. |
28. | MATSAK | Is one of the forms of the Armenian name Mnatsakan. The corresponding surnames are Matsakyan; the short form is Matso from which the surname Matsoyan is formed. |
29. | MAVRIK | From Greek mauros "dark", "black" + ik diminutive suffix. |
30. | MAXIM | From Russian Maxim which comes from Latin "maximus "big", "large". It came by means of literature. |