31. | KIM | From Russian name Kim which is an abbreviation of the Communist International of Youth. The diminutive form is Kimik. |
32. | KIPRIANOS | From Greek name Kuprianos which means "Cyprus inhabitant". We also meet the form Kprianos. |
33. | KIRAKOS | From Greek kuriakos "state". The short forms are Kakos, Kikos. The corresponding surnames are Kirakosyan, Kakosyan. |
34. | KNYAZ | From Russian knyaz "prince". It is a rare name now. The corresponding surname is Knyazyan. |
35. | KODZIK | From Armenian kodzik "connecting with each other", "joiner", "glue". It is out of use now. |
36. | KOMITAS | From Greek name "having long hair". In old days it mainly was the name of clergymen. This name became popular in honor of Armenian great composer-musician Komitas. |
37. | KORYUN | From Armenian word koryun "baby lion". It is still in use. |
38. | KOSTAN | From Latin name Costantinus. In Arm. this name has the forms Kostandin, Kostand. The corresponding surname is Kostanyan. |
39. | KOSTANDIN | From Latin name Costantinus (constans "strong", "durable"). The short forms are Kostik, Kostya. The corresponding surnames are Kostoyan, Kostikyan. |
40. | KRIST | Is the short form of the name Kristapor that is used independently. |