1. | KADMOS | Is of Assyrian origin and it is not identified. |
2. | KAJAYR | From Armenian kaj "good" and ayr "man". It is a rare name now. |
3. | KAJIK | From Armenian kaj "good" + ik diminutive suffix i.e. "good chap". It is in use now. |
4. | KALANTAR | From Persian kalantar "leader", "senior" which was especially spread in Gugark. Now it is a rare name, only the surname Kalantaryan is used. |
5. | KALASH | From Turkish kalaš "brave" which is in use since XVII c. till now, but seldom. The corresponding surname is Kalashyan. |
6. | KAMSAR | From Persian kam "defective" and sar "mount", "peak". The corresponding surnames are Kamsaryan, Kamsarakyan. |
7. | KARAM | From Arabian karam "honesty", "ability" which is also used as a female name. It appeared in XV c. under the impression of the Eastern tale "Karam's and Asli's Tale". It is a rare name now, only… 0.2 KB |
8. | KARAPET | From Armenian word karapet "leader", "prophet". It is an old name, the short forms of which are Karo, Krpo, Karik. From all of them we can form surnames. |
9. | KAREN | From Persian name Karen. The surname Karinyan is formed from the name of the city Karin and has no connection with this name. |
10. | KARIM(Kyarim) | Frim Arabian name Karim which means "honest", "generous", "kind". It was used in XI-XVc. Now it is forgotten, only the surname Karimyan is often used. |