1. | OGSEN(Oxentios) | From Latin name Auxentios which is used since IV c. till now (especially in Pols). |
2. | OHAN | Is the short form of the name Hovhannes or Hovhan (Yovhan), which is used independently. The corresponding surname is Ohanyan. |
3. | OHANJAN | From the name Ohan and Persian jan "soul". It was common in XIX c. Now only the surname Ohanjanyan is met. |
4. | OLEG | From Old Scandinavian helg "light", "sunny", "bright" which came through Russian (Oleg). The female variant of this name is Olga. |
5. | OTAR | From Turkish otar "pasture" i.e. "shepherd" which was used till XIX c. In Georgia it is still in use. The corresponding surname is Otaryan. |