1. | RAFAEL(Rapael) | From Hebrew name Rafael (rfa "cure" and el "god" which appeared under the impression of religious literature in VII c. The European form of this name (Rafael) is more common. The short form is… 0.3 KB |
2. | RAFFI | From Arabian name Rafi "proud", "outstanding". It was the nickname of great Arm novelist. |
3. | RAFIK | Is the diminutive form of the name Rafael that is used independently. It appeared when the name Rapaelyan gave place to Rafael. |
4. | RASHID | From Arabian raĊĦid "tutor", "teacher", "walking the right road" which is spread among all the nations in Caucasus. Others interpret this name as "brave". The corresponding surname is Rashidyan. … 0.2 KB |
5. | RAZMIK | From Armenian razmik "soldier" which appeared at the beginning of XX c. It is in use now. |