1. | VACHAGAN | From Persian vace (see Vacheh). It is in use now. |
2. | VACHEH | From Persian vace "baby-animal", "cub". It is in use since I c. till now. The corresponding surname is Vachyan. |
3. | VACHIK | Is the diminutive form of the name Vachagan or Vacheh, which is used independently. |
4. | VAGHAKSHAK | From Vagharsh+ak diminutive suffix. The others interpret this name as "strong Arshak" mentioning Sanskrit bala and Latin valor "strong". H. Ajaryan finds it unacceptable. We also have the short… 0.3 KB |
5. | VAGHARSH | From Parthian name Valakhš (Arabian Balas, Persian Valas) which is used in Arm since old times. We also have the surname Vagharshyan and Vagharshapat locality name. |
6. | VAGHINAK | Is in use since IV c. till now. |
7. | VAHAGN | In Arm mythology Vahagn is the name of the god of thunderstorm. It corresponds to Greek Heracles, Latin Hercules. According to M. Khorenatsi in heathen ages there were songs in honor of Vahagn… 0.2 KB |
8. | VAHAN | Markvart considers that it is the short form of the name Vahagn without g. Hyubshman considers that it consists of the particle vah "sun", "fire" used in many Persian names and considers it an… 0.4 KB |
9. | VAHEH | From Old Persian vahya (Zend vahyah) which means "best", "high". As a name it was not used in Persian, and only once it is mentioned in Arm history (according to H. Ajaryan). It is very common… 0.2 KB |
10. | VAHRAM | From Parthian name Vahram "spring". H. Ajaryan connects it with the name Vahagn and Parthian varan (Persian baran) which means "rain". There is no doubt that it comes from the name of Parthian… 0.3 KB |