1. | HAMASPYUR | From Armenian hamaspyur "spread everywhere". As a name it is in use since XV c. till now. The short form is Hamas. |
2. | HAMAVOR | From Armenian ham "taste" + suffix avor i.e. "having taste", "pleasant" later "modest", "obedient". It is in use now. |
3. | HAMAZASPUHI | Is the female variant of the name Hamazasp that is in use since IV c. (see Hamazasp). |
4. | HAMEST | From Armenian hamest "modest" which is very spread now. There is also the form Hamestuhi that is used independently. |
5. | HASMIK | From Armenian hasmik flower name, which is also used as a name. |
6. | HAVAT | From Armenian havat "belief", "faith". It is a new name which appeared by analogy with Russian name Vera "belief"(was also a male name). It is a rare name now. |
7. | HAYASTAN | From Armenian Hayastan "Armenia" which is also a male name in West Arm. |
8. | HAYKANDUKHT | From Armenian name Hayk and Persian dukhtar "daughter" i.e. "Hayk's daughter". It is considered the female variant of the name Hayk. The short form is Kandukht, which is used independently. It… 0.2 KB |
9. | HAYKANUSH | From Armenian name Hayk and anush female particle (like Vaskanush, Perjanush). It is in use since old days till now as well as the short forms Haykush, Haykan, Kanush. |
10. | HAYKUHI | From Armenian name Hayk and uhi female suffix. It appeared in XIX c. and is used till now. |