101. | ELVIRA | From Russian name Elvira "blond", "amber" which comes from Latin helva. It is spread now. |
102. | EMILIA | Is the female variant of the European name Emil, which came by means of literature, as well as Emil. |
103. | EMMA | From Latin hemma "dear", "mysterious" which is in use since XX c. It came by means of literature. |
104. | ERA | From Latin aera "initial figure", "original figure". It was very spread in 1920s in Russia through which it came to Arm. Now it is almost forgotten. |
105. | ETERI | From Georgian name Etheri "ether". It is spread in Georgia. |
106. | EVELINA | From German name Eveline (Russian Evelina). It is in use since XIX c. under the impression of Grigor Ardzruni's "Evelina" novel. The short form is Lina. |
107. | FARIDA | From Arabian name Farida "pearl". It is a new name in Armenia mainly in the form Frida. The short forms are Frid, Fira. |
108. | FATIMA | From Arabian name Fatima. It is in use since XV c. in the form Fatma till now. The short form is Fato. |
109. | FLORA | From Latin name Flora which comes from flos "flower" and is used in many European nations. In old Greek mythology Flora was the goddess of flowers, Zepyur's wife. She is presented as a pretty… 0.4 KB |
110. | FROSYA | Is one of the diminutive forms of the Russian name Yefrosinya that is used independently in Arm. It comes from Greek eufrosynos "happy", "joyous". It is a rare name; the diminutive form is… 0.2 KB |